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Prefix 10.30998/ntsr by 

Dr. Maguna Eliastuti
Nicky Rosadi, S.S., M.Pd.
1. Linguistik
2. Sastra
3. Pembelajaran Bahasa

Mei 2023 
Biannual (Mei & November)
Pusat Studi Bahasa Indonesia (Pustubi) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

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The following are things that authors need to pay attention to:


The abstract contains important matters related to the article, including objectives, research methods, population and samples/research objects, research instruments, and research results. Abstracts must be written in 150-250 words and given a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords.


The introductory section mainly contains the reasons for conducting the research which is supported by literature (theoretical) review. The introduction section is expected to contain as many quotations as possible from scientific journals (preferably from reputable international journals).


The methods section must be able to explain the research methods used, including the implementation procedures. Tools, materials, media or research instruments must be explained well. If there are statistical formulas used as part of the research method, it is best not to write formulas that are generally accepted.

Results and Discussion

This section explains the research results in detail, including displaying calculation results, needs analysis results, and so on. The results of this research can also be displayed in the form of tables or figures, provided that the tables or figures should not be too long, too large or too numerous. Writers should use variations in presenting tables or figures, and each table or figure presented must be referred to (not rewritten) in the text. It is best not to include SPSS data processing results tables in the article (authors are required to summarize again and create a separate table according to the format requested in this journal template).

Discussion of research results is a form of researcher scholarship. For this reason, the author is expected to be able to reveal in detail and in depth the findings in his research. In this section, the author must refer to previous research results that have been published in scientific journals (especially reputable international journals).

The following are several examples of writing references in the body of an article. The writing can be like this (Hidayat, 2023), or there are two authors so it is written like this (Rosadi & Hidayat, 2020). If there are four or more authors, it is written like this (Rosadi et al, 2019). Then, you can also write the name outside the brackets, such as Hidayat (2023), according to the statement written. Writing references DOES NOT NEED to include the page from the cited reference source. It should be noted that all mentions of names follow the last name of each author cited.

It is hoped that the discussion section can provide new contributions and color to the development of science, especially in the field according to the article written. For this reason, authors are expected to really pay special attention to ensuring that the discussion written is an important part of the overall content of the article, which can improve scientific quality.


The conclusion is the conclusion of the research results that have been carried out and is the answer to the problem formulation. Conclusions are aligned with the problem formulation and research objectives. If there is more than one conclusion, it is written using numbering numbers and not using bullets. In this concluding section, prospects for development of research results and further applications can also be added which are prospects for subsequent studies.


All references cited in the body of the article must be included in the bibliography section and written in one space alphabetically, and use the writing standards of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Note: There is no need to separate references in the form of books, journals, etc.

Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Nitisara: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa

Table of Contents


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