Morphological errors in skills writing the requirement of the class vocational school of students Ceger private vocational schooleast Jakarta

Ila Nafilah(1*), Reni Rokhayati(2), Yulia Agustin(3),

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(3) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


Writing skills are one of four language skills, three of which are reading, listening and
speaking. Writing is a means of expressing ideas or ideas to communicate indirectly to others so that
the person understands them. There are four types of essays, which are essays of description,
argumentation, persuasion and narrative. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach that
emphasizes the depth of appreciation of the interaction between concepts that are being studied
empirically using words or images. Research with this qualitative approach uses content analysis
method. The research method used to analyze the narrative essays is by using a qualitative method
that focuses solely on morphological errors by examining the fields of affixation, reduplication,
composition, and morphophonemic errors related to narrative essays of fifth grade students of
elementary school (SD). The purpose of this research is to analyze and obtain a clear picture of
morphological errors in narrative essay writing skills of fifth grade elementary school students.
Key Words: morphological errors, writing skills, narrative essays.

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