
Call for Papers




We invite you to submit your articles to Hortatori: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan sastra Indonesia, accredited SINTA 3, Indexted Google Scholar, Garuda, and DOI for following issue:

1 Volume 08, Number 01, June 2024 (CLOSE/FULL)

2. Volume 08, Number 02, December 2024 (CLOSE/FULL) 

3. Volume 09, Number 01, June 2025 (before 30 March 2025)

We also proudly announce that since Vol. 7 No. 1 2023 - Vol. 11 No. 2 2027 our journal is accredited SINTA 3. 


Please feel free to contact the editorial secretariat at:

Posted: 2024-05-25
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