Analisis Kualitas Minuman Box In Box Coca Cola dan Coca Cola Kaleng dengan Menggunakan Absorption Atomic Spectroscopy

Salsabila Salsabila(1), Neng Nenden Mulyaningsih(2*), Endang Suhendar(3),

(1) Universitas indraprasta PGRI
(2) Universitas indraprasta PGRI
(3) Universitas indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


Carbonated drinks are drinks made by adding carbon dioxide gas, which produces refreshing bubbles. This study aims to measure the level of public knowledge about carbonated beverage ingredients because soft drink consumption has adverse health effects, such as disrupting metabolism. To measure the metal content in the samples, this study is a quantitative description using an atomic absorbance transmittance instrument. This technique is based on the phenomenon of atomic absorption in cathode lamps. That the blank solution / standard solution, the smaller the transmittance of the solution, the greater the absorbance. Based on the measurement of the content can be known R shows the average standard R2 0.9955 is safe. Soft drinks that get a content value of 0.00 mg/L with no content in the form of not read by the AAS system consist of magnesium (Mg) calcium (Ca) metal content with deconstruction preparation. From the second data, it has the largest number of each content, one of which is the iron (Fe) content of coca cola box in box 3.73 mg/L and cans 0.59 mg/L. Magnesium (Mg) content without preparation coca cola box in box 26.98 mg/L coca cola cans 2.66 mg/L. Calcium (Ca) content without preparation coca cola box in box worth 189.14 mg/L and canned coca cola 37.41 mg/L iron content (Fe) soda drinks without preparation worth 8.39 mg/L canned coca cola 3.79 mg/L from the difference in data quality standards beverage iron content (Fe) 0.01 mg/L, calcium (Ca) 5 mg/L, magnesium (Mg) 1 mg/L. The results showed that the addition of nitric acid had a significant effect on water clarity and wet deconstruction. The study's conclusion emphasizes to the public to be more careful in consuming circulating drinks such as soft drinks

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