How Quality of Work-life’s Mediating Effect of Compensation System on Teacher’s Organizational Commitment?
Sulistiasih Sulistiasih(1), Widodo Widodo(2*),
(1) Faculty of Psychology, Bayangkara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author
This study analyzes the effect of compensation system on teachers’ organizational commitment mediating by quality of work-life (QWL). The research data was collected by a questionnaire through the survey methods toward 325 teachers of a private school in Indonesia. Data analysis uses path analysis supported by descriptive statistics and correlational. The results show that compensation system had a significant effect on teachers’ organizational commitment mediating by QWL. This study also was found a fit research model can discuss among researchers and practitioners as references/discourse or a strategy for enhancing organizational commitment in various research fields and contexts.
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