Challenging Norms: Marital Satisfaction and Diverging Priorities of Voluntarily Child-Free and Parenting Couples in A Pronatalist Society

Rheena Allana Ferrer(1), Angel Nicole Cea(2), Christine Lance Baronia(3), Anjovial Aliling(4), Jose Angelo Manuel(5), Jocelyn Reyes Viray(6), Adrian M Segovia(7*),

(1) Centro Escolar University
(2) Centro Escolar University
(3) No CI.
(4) Centro Escolar University
(5) Centro Escolar University
(6) Centro Escolar University
(7) Centro Escolar University
(*) Corresponding Author


This study explored the impact of parental status on marital satisfaction and quality of life among parenting and child-free couples. Using an explanatory sequential mixed-methods design, 412 participants from the Greater Manila Area participated in the quantitative phase, and 20 participants were involved in the qualitative phase. Married individuals aged 25-50 years, married for at least two years, were included. The ENRICH Marital Inventory and WHOQOL-BREFwere used to measure marital satisfaction and quality of life, respectively, with semi-structured interviews adding depth to the findings. Quantitative results showed that having children positively influenced marital satisfaction, with parenting couples reporting higher satisfaction than child-free couples. Additionally, the number of children and length of marriage were positively associated with marital satisfaction, while age had a slight negative effect. Monthly income did not have a direct effect on marital satisfaction, but its relationship with quality of life weakened as income increased. The qualitative findings highlighted different priorities: parenting couples focused on their children’s future and often suppressed conflict to maintain family harmony, while child-free couples prioritized financial independence, travel, and open communication. These findings provide valuable insights for couples making decisions about parenthood, offering a clearer understanding of the factors influencing marital satisfaction and quality of life.


child-free, parenthood, marital satisfaction, quality of life

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