Author Guidelines
The author needs to attend to the rules and criteria established by the "Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Biologi dan Sains":
A. General Requirements
- Article writing in Indonesian. The author should ensure that the articles will be delivered following the focus & scope of this journal.
- The articles to be delivered have not yet been published and are not in the process of coming out at conferences or other journals.
- The articles sent have to match the template of journal style (please use the template provided)
- Every author's name in the article has been written right and fitted with an affiliate.
- Every author listed in the article understands and approves publishing the article in Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Biologi dan Sains, proven by a conflict-free letter between the author sent by the author's correspondent for other authors.
- Articles that have been reviewed in the review process cannot be withdrawn.
- The articles have pages between 6 to 12
- The author does not add chapters outside that have been set in the journal template.
- The author is encouraged to use reference management and formatting apps like Mendeley, Zotero, and EndNote, style references used to APA style 7th.
- The references used must be at least 10, with a minimum of 75% journal paper, very much encouraged to use the last 10 years.
- For simplicity in preparing articles, use the template that the journal has provided.
a. Copy-paste text only, then select the style provided in the ribbon style.
b. Save your articles in the format ".docx."
- Note:
Make sure the mail is used for active correspondence and is regularly accessible (preferably connected to a smartphone) - List a cell phone number that can be contacted when listing an account and confirm the status of an article that is too long.
B. Structure of The Manuscript
The manuscript must be prepared and suggested present follow the structure:
- Title. The title of paper typing in sentence with capitalize each word, without Acronym or abbreviation, case study
- Abstract. Written briefly in Indonesian and English in one paragraph of 150-250 WORDS; No citation; State in the abstract a primary objective, research design, methodology, main outcomes and results, and the conclusions.
- Section structure. Authors are suggested to present their articles in the section structure: PENDAHULUAN - METODE - HASIL – DISKUSI - KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN - UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH (optional) - DAFTAR REFERENSI
- References. Expect a minimum of 10 references with a minimum of 75% to journal papers.
Rules of the chapter section of the Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Biologi dan Sains
Writing short and clear titles need to emphasize subjects/research variables that indicate novelty. Avoid the use of word case studies, influence. The title is spelled in a sentence case. Write capitalize each word, using Cambria Font size 14pt in Indonesian and size 13pt in English
Fisrt author1, Second author2*, dst
1Affiliation/Institution first author, 2Afilliation second author
*Corresponding author
E-mail: Corresponding author
The abstract must contain the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions in are concise, concise, and clear manner to show newness compared to other existing research. The abstract does not contain citations, formulas, tables, and pictures. Written not using terms that are not common / not standard to use, the abstract number is between 150 to 200 words, written in Indonesian and English.
Kata Kunci: 3 – 5 keywords/phrase relevant with topic of article.
PENDAHULUAN (Introduction)
Introduction without subtitles containing a description of the analysis of the situation or objective conditions of the subject of community service (assisted community), issues and focus of community service, reasons for choosing the subject of community service, and expected social changes or goals of community service supported by qualitative and quantitative data, and supported by relevant literature reviews.
METODE (Method)
The method describes the process of planning joint community action (community organizing). In this case, it is explained who the subject of service is, the place and location of service, the involvement of assisted subjects in planning and organizing the community, the research method or strategy used in achieving the expected goals, and the stages of community service activities. The planning process and strategy/method use a flowchart or diagram.
HASIL (Result)
It contains a description of the results of the community service process, namely an explanation of the dynamics of the mentoring process (various activities carried out, forms of technical action, or program actions to solve community problems). Also explains the emergence of expected social changes, such as the emergence of new institutions, changes in behavior, the emergence of local leaders, and the creation of new awareness towards social transformation, and so on. In this results section there is at least 1 picture or photo documentation of the results of the activity.
DISKUSI (Discuss)
It contains a description of the discussion of the results of community service from the service process from the beginning until social change occurs. The discussion of the results of community service is strengthened by references and theoretical perspectives supported by relevant literature reviews.
Conclusions include statements from the analysis results of the discussions conducted on the research findings and answer the research purposes. Conclusions emphasize the novelty of the discovery or development carried out. Conclusions are written briefly, concisely, and clearly in one paragraph.
If there are suggestions from research related to the research results to be developed by other researchers, they can be conveyed briefly and clearly in a new paragraph or written in conclusions.
Acknowledgments contain appreciation given by the author to those who have been instrumental in the research, both in the form of financial support, licensing, consultants, and assisting in data collection.
References are written following the citations in the article, a minimum of 10 references with > 75% of primary sources (journals) within the last 10 years.