Microlearning dalam Pembelajaran Fisika: Literature Review
Suci Haryanti(1*), Elfita Rahmi(2), Prahesti Tirta Safitri(3), Ivan Hanafi(4), Teguh Trianung Djoko Susanto(5),
(1) Akademi Refraksi Optisi Kartika Indera Persada
(2) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(3) Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang
(4) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(5) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30998/npjpe.v5i1.1862
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Copyright (c) 2023 Suci Haryanti, Elfita Rahmi, Prahesti Tirta Safitri, Ivan Hanafi, Teguh Trianung Djoko Susanto

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Department of Physics Education Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Address: Jl. Raya Tengah No. 80, Kel. Gedong, Kec. Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur 13760 , Jakarta, Indonesia. |