Design of the board of environmental series and time to improve skills to speak BIPA students
Randi Ramliyana(1*),
(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author
learning difficulties faced by Indonesian Language students for Foreign Speakers (BIPA)
in speaking classes at beginner level are still felt. they still experience confusion, especially in
material numbers and time. they not only need ease in remembering material, but also excitement in
remembering it. Therefore, the researcher designed a teaching media specifically designed to
improve the speaking skills of beginner-level BIPA students in material numbers and time. This
teaching media is in the form of an awesome text. This board is designed to improve students'
speaking skills in a different way than usual. like the visual teacher alliance, visual media can
increase 400% of student learning in the classroom. based on this, the researchers made a powerful
crankshaft in the form of an image. The purpose of this study was to describe the design of the
crunch board teaching media with a series of numbers and times that can improve students' speaking
skills in different ways.
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