Semiotic analysis of Royco's flavoring advertisements on television
Ajeng Dinar Wisesa Wardhani(1*),
(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author
An advertisement constitutes one of the important efforts for producers to open any
relation to their consumers. It is known as one of the great way increasingly their trading. All of
those things, by using advertisements those commercial goods can be known and be sold.Television
is one of their choices to market their product. This research is talking about advertisement, by using
Roland Barthes Semiotic theories, combining Seassurian Structuralism theory. Actually, Seassure
theory consider as the basic of Barthes’ theories. Basically, Semiotic is a theory to show how is
meaning created and communicated in messages that are primarily visual. Semiotic approach
analyse the sign, icon, and symbol in television advertisements to intrepreting its meaning. The
production of meaning from visual messages, like advertisment has not been clearly investigated to
designers of advertising messages. The difficulty of taking visual meaning is the main reason of
structured research approaches to code and categorize such information.
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