‘Mukha’: The Mask Tradition of Assam-with Special Reference to Samaguri Sattra

Saswati D Bordoloi(1*),

(1) Dept. of Folklore Research, Gauhati University
(*) Corresponding Author


Cultural heritage influences every aspect of life. Man has made the masks in dance rituals, dramas, folk songs, temples and different socio-cultural context. The use of masks in rituals or ceremonies is a very ancient human practice across the world. This mask or mukhas are said to be the base of the Assamese culture and tradition. They are worn mostly in bhaonas. Materials like bamboo, cane, cloth, clay etc. are used for making masks. Samaguri Sattra is a place of conservation and retention of vanishing art form of mukha. Sankardeva’s philosophies had transcended the boundaries of religion and culture and hence today Majuli is one place where devotion has mingled with art in a unique way.


sattra; mukha; tradition; heritage; culture

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30998/cs.v2i1.267

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