Pattani’s Architectural Epitome of the Yaring Palace: Journeying the Historical Phases of a Regional Design Language

Mohd Jaki Mamat(1*), Puteri Shireen Jahn Kassim(2), Noor Hanita Abdul Majid(3),

(1) Department of Interior Architecture, School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia
(2) Department of Applied Arts and Design, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University of Malaysia
(3) Department of Applied Arts and Design, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University of Malaysia
(*) Corresponding Author


This paper uses the case of the exquisite design Yaring palace as a framework and springboard to discuss the particularities of the design language of the Pattani palace and architecture. The region of Pattani represents a unique crossing between a Thai identity and a Malay identity in terms of architecture. Because of its geographic position, both Asian identities merge into a  language of regionalism syncretism that creates a rich blend of architectural expression representative of a  South East Asian language. The paper discusses its facade expression, ornamentation, layout and interior design elements.


patani architecture; classical design; hybrid architecture; syncretism

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Copyright (c) 2019 Mohd Jaki Mamat, Puteri Shireen Jahn Kassim, Noor Hanita Abdul Majid

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