Akhlak: Journal of Education Behavior and Religious Ethics is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal for research activities on Islamic religious education and teaching. This journal aims to provide a means of ongoing discussion regarding relevant issues included in the focus and scope of the journal which can be examined empirically in the following fields:
- Islamic Studies
- Religious Studies
- Learning and Teaching
- Islamic Education Science
- Curriculum of Islamic Education
- Educational Psychology
- Evaluation of Islamic Education
- Educational Philosophy
Akhlak: Journal of Education Behavior and Religious Ethicsis an open access journal that contains original research articles, review articles, and short communications in fields related to Islamic Religious Education. Akhlak: Journal of Education Behavior and Religious Ethics publishes 2 issues a year in January (first edition) and July (second edition). This journal has adopted a double-blind review policy whereby both referees and authors remain anonymous throughout the process.