Strength-based Counseling untuk Mengembangkan Academic Hardiness Mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling saat Pandemi Covid-19
ananda rachmaniar(1*), Nabila Qurrotu Aini(2), Irfan Fahriza(3),
(1) universitas ma'soem
(*) Corresponding Author
Abstract: This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of strength-based counseling in developing students' academic hardiness. The approach used is quantitative with the experimental method, and the design used is one group pretest-posttest control group. The instrument used to obtain data is the Academic Hardiness Scale which has gone through a revision process. The research participants involved eight students with low levels of academic hardiness. The results of the study show that strength-based counseling is effective in increasing student academic hardiness. The results of this study showed that the academic hardiness of students before the implementation of strength-based counseling had an average of 40.5 (SD = 2.88) and after given treatment with strength-based counseling, it increased to 52,625 (SD = 5.07). The results of the paired t-test show that Strength-based Group Counseling is effective in developing student academic hardiness.
Keyword: strength-based counseling, academic hardiness, guidance and counseling
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap efektivitas strength-based counseling untuk meningkatkan academic hardiness mahasiswa. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen, dan desain yang digunakan adalah one group pretest-posttest control group. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data adalah Academic Hardiness Scale yang telah melalui proses revisi. Partisipan penelitian melibatkan delapan mahasiswa dengan tingkat academic hardiness yang rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strength based counseling efektif meningkatkan academic hardiness mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan academic hardiness mahasiswa sebelum diterapkan strength-based counseling memiliki rata-rata sebesar 40.5 (SD = 2.88) dan setelah diberikan perlakuan denga strength-based counseling meningkat menjadi sebesar 52.625 (SD = 5.07). Hasil uji t berpasangan menunjukkan bahwa Strength-based Group Counseling efektif untuk meningkatkan academic hardiness mahasiswa.
Kata Kunci: strength-based counseling, academic hardiness, bimbingan dan konseling
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Pusat Kajian Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bimbingan dan Konseling Department of Guidance and Counseling Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Address: Jl. Nangka No. 58 C (TB. Simatupang), Kel. Tanjung Barat, Kec. Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan 12530, Jakarta, Indonesia. | |
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