Pentingnya memahami konsep diri remaja sebagai identitas budaya dalam mengeksplorasi perilaku masyarakat

Kushendar Kushendar(1), Hernisawati Hernisawati(2), Sofyan Abdi(3*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Semarang
(2) IAIMNU Metro Lampung
(3) Universitas Islam As-Syafi’iyah
(*) Corresponding Author


The concept of self is an important part of a person's cultural identity in behaving in society. The concept of self as a cultural identity covers a person's specific things about the views, judgments and cultural beliefs owned. For teens, having a positive self-concept is a must-have, especially as a cultural identity that is owned and proud of. The concept of adolescent self as cultural identity is the main step to determine who I am ?, what should I do ?, and what should I be ?, such questions are a problem that generally occurs in every teenager, by understanding positive cultural identity, it is expected that adolescents can determine good social behavior in the community.


Self Concept, Cultural Identity, Youth

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Copyright (c) 2020 Kushendar Kushendar, Hernisawati Hernisawati, Sofyan Abdi

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