Etnomatematika: Telusur Konsep Geometri pada Ornamen Masjid Al-Safar

Didi Suhaedi(1*), Tia Purniati(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research is to explore the concepts of transformation geometry in the ornaments of the Al Safar mosque. This research is qualitative research using ethnographic methods and triangulation techniques. The triangulation technique was carried out through observation, interviews, document studies, and literature reviews. The ethnomathematical research framework used is based on four basic questions, namely "Where to start observing it?", "how to observe it?", "What did it find?", and "What does it mean?". The results of the study show that the Al Safar Mosque has spiritual and cultural values, and in its ornaments, there are transformation geometry concepts. Thus, the problems of the transformation geometry of contextual and its teaching materials can be arranged based on the ornaments of the Al Safar Mosque. Thus, the ornaments of the Al Safar mosque can be used as an alternative learning source for students in learning the transformation geometry.

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